Monday, January 27, 2014

Using the Angular Seed Project

OK, you did a few Angular tutorials and now you're ready to really start tinkering. You know there's a seed project to help you get started, but how are you supposed to use it? I'm glad you asked.

The seed project is just a bootstrapper to get you set up with a basic directory structure and dependencies. To use it, just clone it from Github, change what the repo points to, and you're ready to rock.

Step 0 - Prerequisites

You already have a Github account, some basic familiarity with the terminal, and node.js and npm installed.

Step 1 - Create Your Repo in Github.

For my example, I'm using

Step 2 - Clone the Angular Seed Project.

git clone

Step 3 - Rename the Directory and Change the Master.

mv ./angular-seed ./ang-tut-1 cd ./ang-tut-1 git remote set-url origin git push -u origin master

Step 4 - Install Node Packages

npm install

Step 5 - Verify


Did it work?

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